131:8.1 (1451.4)The messengers of Melchizedek penetrated far into China, and the doctrine of the one God was incorporated into the older teachings of several Chinese religions; the doctrine that persisted longest and contained the most monotheistic truth was Taoism. Ganid gathered the following from the founder's teachings:
131:8.2 (1451.5)'How pure and tranquil is the Most High and yet how powerful and mighty, how deep and unfathomable! This God of heaven is the honored progenitor of all things. When you know the Eternal, you are enlightened and wise. When you do not know the Eternal One, this ignorance manifests as evil and thus the passions of sin arise. This wonderful Being existed before there were the heavens and the earth. He is truly spiritual; He exists in Himself and does not change. He is indeed the Mother of the world, and all creation moves around Him. This Great Being communicates Himself to men and thereby enables them to rise above themselves and achieve survival. Even if one possesses only a small degree of knowledge, one can still walk the ways of the Most High; one can conform to the will of heaven.
131:8.3 (1452.1)'All good works of true service stem from the Most High. All things depend on the Great Source for their life. The great Supreme One does not desire praise for His gifts. He is supreme in power, yet He remains hidden from our gaze. Without ceasing, He transmits His attributes as He perfects His creatures. Celestial Reason is slow and patient in His plans, but sure that He will complete them. The Supreme One covers the universe and already sustains it. How great and mighty is His abundant influence and His attraction. True goodness is like the water that is a blessing to all and harms nothing. And like the water, true goodness seeks the lowest places, the very levels that others shun, and this is because true goodness is related to the Supreme. The Supreme creates all things, nurtures them in nature, and brings them to perfection in spirit. And it is a mystery how the Supreme cherishes, protects and brings the creature to perfection without forcing it. He guides and governs, but without asserting Himself. He serves progress, but without dominating.
131:8.4 (1452.2)'The wise man makes his heart universal. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. Those who strive for greatness must learn to humble themselves. Through creation, the Supreme One became the mother of the world. When a person knows his mother, he recognizes his sonship. A wise man is he who considers all parts from the viewpoint of the whole. Treat everyone as if you were in their place. Redeem injustice with kindness. If you love people, they will come to you - you will have no trouble winning them.
131:8.5 (1452.3)'The Great Supreme pervades all: he is at your left hand and at your right; he sustains all creation and dwells in all true beings. You cannot find the Supreme, but neither can you go anywhere where He is not. When a man sees the evil of his ways and heartily repents of his sin, he can ask for forgiveness: he can escape punishment; he can turn disaster into blessing. The Most High is the safe refuge for all creation; he is the preserver and redeemer of mankind. When you seek Him daily, you will find Him. Since He can forgive sins, He is indeed very precious and dear to all people. Always keep in mind that God does not reward man for what he does, but for what he is; therefore, you should extend a helping hand to your fellow men without thoughts of reward. Do good without thought of benefit to yourself.
131:8.6 (1452.4)'Those who know the laws of the Eternal are wise. Ignorance concerning the divine law means misery and disaster. Those who know the laws of God are broad-minded. If you know the Eternal, although your body must perish, your soul will survive in spirit-service. You are truly wise when you recognize your insignificance. When you abide in the light of the Eternal, you will enjoy the illumination of the Supreme. Those who devote themselves to the service of the Most High rejoice in this seeking of the Eternal. When man dies, the soul begins to spread its wings for the long flight of the great journey home.'
A Thought for Contemplation from The Urantia Book
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